Spring Themed Activities to Try Today

Fun Spring Activities to Try Today

With the weather warming and flowers starting to bloom, spring is finally arriving! With it comes a flurry of new activities to try out with your little ones.

1. Rainbow Caterpillars 

Rainbow Caterpillars - toddlers activities at home using natural play dough and loose parts.

This fun sensory dough activity is best done with multiple colors. Not only is it simple, but it only requires a few materials: googly eyes, sensory dough, pipe cleaners, rainbow beads. Matching colored beads to the sensory dough is a great way to learn and reinforce colors. Don’t have any sensory dough, check out our bestselling all natural play dough

2. Nature Scavenger Hunt 

Why not enjoy warmer days by spending them outside? This activity is designed to foster creativity and appreciation for the outside world. Use this printout with items like “search for a special leaf” or “a beautiful view” or create your own.


3. DIY Bird Feeders 

DIY pine cone bird feeder - fun kids' activities at home. DIY art and craft


While creating the feeder is a lot of fun, it’s watching all the different kinds of birds come flocking for a snack that’s the real treat. This activity starts with a pine cone and you’ll need small bowls, bird seeds, peanut butter, and string. Bird feeders are best hung up near a window so you and your family can watch for new feathered friends!


4. Flower Painting / Stamping 

Nature hunt flower loose parts color sorting. Fun spring activities with kids.

This activity starts by gathering flowers from your garden, but dandelions and other wild flowers work just as well. Dip the petals into paint and stamp them onto a paper to make beautiful and unusual patterns. They make for cute decorations for the playroom.